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Friday, August 19, 2011

Caribbean Branch

Dear Distributor,
We would like to inform you that FM Group Caribbean, with its seat in Curaçao, has been officially closed.
As registered distributors you are still able to continue your membership and to place orders with any FM Branch of your choice. 
Under the condition of concluding a membership agreement with the new, chosen branch (please see below for further instructions on how to become a fully privileged member of a new branch).
The closest offices for attending, supplying and purchase deliveries are:
FM GROUP Caribbean St. Lucia:
20 Micoud Street, P.O. Box 189,
Castries, Saint Lucia
FM GROUP Caribbean Trinidad:
Phone: 1.868.223.3642

Fax: 1.868.222.9018
Office hours:
Monday-Friday   9am-8pm
Saturday           10am-3pm
Mailing Address:
203 North LaSalle Street Suite 2100
Chicago, IL 60601

Showroom Room:
7327 West 90th Street.
Bridgeview, IL 60455
Toll free: 877.361.0542
Phone: 708.576.8452
Fax: 708.576.8458

Mexico City (55) 8421.4994
USA 708.876.8425

Office hours (CST):
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
In order to continue your membership with another branch, you will have to complete the relocationdocuments attached: 1. Relocation form, 2. Termination of a Contract (before filling in, please read the INSTRUCTION attached) and 3. Contract of the chosen branch (available at your new branch’s office) and send them to FM Group World to or by fax: 00 48 71 323 99 25.
The change of localization to another FM Group Branch must be sent until 15th September 2011.
All distributors that will not send the relocation documents will be deleted from the system after 15th of September 2011.
Please inform your downlines.
We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your support. 
Best regards,

Joanna Parzych 
Młodszy Specjalista ds. 
Współpracy z Zagranicą
Junior Specialist for International Cooperation

tel. kom. 
(0048) 727 920 115
skype: joanna_parzych

FM GROUP WORLD Andrzej Trawiński Sp.
ul. Żmigrodzka 247,
51-129 Wrocław,
tel. (+48 71) 323 99 09,
fax (+48 71) 323 99 25
NIP: 895-187-00-93,
KRS: 0000268185, Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia-Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu, VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

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