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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We exist in a time in FM Trinidad where the momentum is increasing.  Our meetings are getting bigger and bigger with more and more people signing up.  Above all, the enthusiasm is at an all time high.  Check out the pictures below of our last meeting held at the Auzonville Mall, Tunapuna Trinidad November 15, 2010.  And look forward to upcoming meetings as follows:

Friday 19th November 2010
7pm - 9pm
Southern Regional Indoor Sports Facility
Co-ordinator: Cordel King Jayms

Saturday 20th November 2010
5pm - 7pm
Arima Presentation Centre
KOKLC Conference Centre, Corner Beckles Lane and Eastern Main Road Arima
Co-ordinator: Duane Marc-Anthony

Saturday 20th November 2010
6pm - 8pm
Co-ordinator: Glenford Samuel and Lenore Alexander-Samuel

Book your days, and see you there.

Duane Marc-Anthony

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